woensdag 14 september 2011

Once upon a time in Amsterdam

From the instant you enter Amsterdam you live and breathe the particular atmosphere of the city. Arriving in Amsterdam is really an experience different from any arrival in any other place. The dutch capital is a city that touches many. We all know it for its avant-garde way of thinking, the open minded way of life of the dutch, the conception that you can really say and do anything in Amsterdam, a liberty of life like no other place on earth. These conceptions lead to the true 'Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll’ allure of the city.

Even when I first laid eyes on the crowded streets I already saw the magic the city beholds. People seem to think they really can say and do anything in the dutch capital. Bright colors, particular patterns, a patchwork of cultures, the sound of different kinds of music, the smell of herbs... a bright pallet that teases all of our five senses and makes the city the special place it is.

But Amsterdam is not only the city of what still too often is considered 'the downfall of the world’: drugs on every corner, sexual stimulations behind every little bridge. Amsterdam’s 'no taboo policy’ has changed the city into a playground for those looking for inspiration, an interactive museum for artists, a coffeeshop for open minds, a key to those trying to open the door to finding themselves... a city tolerant to much and many, a place to get to know those around you and their different cultures and lifestyles, a place to enjoy life’s 'prohibitions’, a place to discover more about yourself. 
While some might still consider Amsterdam the capital of so many things wrong with this world, it should rather be seen as the ideal location for those willing to accept the true nature of man; those who aren’t scared of exploring their own boundries, discovering their own hidden longings. Due to religion, due to our social backgrounds, due to general values considered 'right’ in today’s society we too often live trapped like a bird in a cage, scared of others watching us, others judging us, but life is much easier once we open the little door of our cage and fly out of it every now and then. One only truly knows himself if he’s willing to explore and get to know the world around him. How can we truly know who we are if we always stay at the same place; only believe the things we always heard, what’s put upon us by our environment and society; if we are scared to say 'yes' to life?!

And Amsterdam is definitely the city of 'yes’, 'yes' to who we really are. 
Man is an ugly animal, but it’s not that ugly when we learn to accept it and Amsterdam is certainly accepting. The neon lights and obscene windows of the sex shops in the red light district may be symbol to all that’s wrong in this world for many, but it’s also a place of acceptance, accepting who we really are: sexual creatures looking to fulfill their desires, each of us with different needs, each of us trying to find out and accept our inner selves. The strong smell of cannabis interluding a coffeeshop from miles ahead might be considered as the smell of those trying to poison their brains, might be the symbol of irresponsibility, the embodiement of the world’s downfall, but it’s also the smell of bonding, of tolerance, of living the moment and forgetting life’s sorrows in a natural cigarette every once in a while.
Amsterdam says 'yes' to those wanting to be young and wild in order to become young and wise; those looking to enjoy themselves; people saying 'yes’ to life and giving in to their natural needs, but it’s says 'yes’ in a responsible way. Many might see Amsterdam as a big playground, but it’s definitely one with rules and people watching over the players. 

Things that in other countries are considered as 'the edge of society’ have moved to the foreground in Amsterdam and the open mindedness of the Dutch have moved many things from the dark side to the bright one. The high tolerance level of the dutch people has created a more open environment and getting rid of the taboos has made the city safer and less sensitive to extreme outbursts of human madness.

But Amsterdam’s not only a place of moving the edge of society to the centre of it, it’s also a symbol of what’s always been and still is considered as beauty and 'dolce vita’: history, religion, art, fashion, architecture, design, culinary pleasures... A place where every single one of us can find beauty and pleasure.

The melting pot that Amsterdam has become throughout the years and, once again, the tolerance of the Dutch have turned the city into a paradise for artists and creative minds. The beautiful architecture of old times makes a perfect patchwork with the new designs today. Vintage and second hand stores are a nice break from the high-end stores and the fast fashion chaines you find in the centre of the city. The little streets along the 'Amsterdamse Grachten’ are the perfect place for a nice chat in a little caffe, a long brunch on Sunday, a nice time out with friends, a romantic dinner... There are culinary pleasures to be found for all ages, colors and tastes from a typical dutch 'kroket’ to a spicy indian dish, you’ll find absolutely every taste and spice in the city. Even though the city is becoming more and more international, is housing more and more different cultures in its midst, it is still a true dutch city. The typical dutch culture is undeniable and therefore – I think – Amsterdam is an example of a successful melting pot: different cultures blending together, influencing each other to become a better version of themselves.

I can say Amsterdam has truly impressed and inspired me in many ways. I was enchanted by its historical treasures, its different architectural styles, the romance of the 'Amsterdamse Grachten’. I was blown away by the peace I found in the ratrace of a big city: the cozy restaurants, the inspiring caffe's, the relaxing coffeeshops,... a dozen places to meet friends and get to know new, inspiring people. I opened my mind meeting people from all over the world and having the opportunity of getting to know their culture in a city open to them. The fashionista in me was filled with joy and inspiration looking for nice adds to my wardrobe in the little vintage and second hand shops the city holds.
Under the grey skies and my umbrella protecting me from the rain I discovered a light not so far away from my own home, a light that has filled my heart for the first time this weekend and will hopefully brighten it up again soon.

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